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Giving joint owners access to dobby

You are off to a good start in dobby, which is the first step toward increased overview and ease of use. The next step is to invite the joint owners to make the most of it. Read on to learn how to give joint owners access to dobby.

Create a building

A building for you is a home for the residents. As such, it is a good idea to give the joint owners a warm welcome. You can write up the first news report, publish some basic documents or set up a small survey to gather input.

Are your buildings benefiting from dobby yet? Read our step-by-step guide and learn how to quickly set up dobby per building.

Personalise your communication

dobby makes it easy for you with an invitation and cover email for joint owners. It is a great starting point. Add your personal touch to increase the impact of your communication.

Invite owners

Once your building is set up and your communications are on point, it is time to invite the joint owners. You can easily invite them by clicking 'send dobby invitation’ to send all joint owners an invitation containing their unique access code. Ready to explore dobby

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Ga aan de slag in jouw vertrouwde beheersoftware of maak nu al uitgebreid kennis met dobby via deze nieuwe informatieve website. Want de technologie die syndici en rentmeesters succesvoller maakt, heeft nog veel in petto ...


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