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Following up on a report as an administrator

Broken light bulb in the corridor? Elevator out of order? Is the main entrance door stuck? Owners will quickly report such issues, and dobby makes it easier than ever to keep track of it all. Read on to learn how to follow up on a report.

Following up on a report in dobby

All owner reports appear in your software. Discover incoming messages via ‘Mijn notificaties’ or ‘Recente meldingen’. As an administrator, you have various options to respond to messages. You can reply immediately through dobby or follow up on the report in your software. The result is exactly the same: the joint owner is satisfied that their report has been seen and receives an answer via the same channel.

Supplementing a report with an action

You like to take action right away. This is important because some reports form the starting point for a concrete action, such as calling a supplier, requesting a service or recommending a solution. Link an action to the report and supplement it with relevant information tailored to the joint owners. Everyone up to speed: check.

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